
BluBQ and JAMS

BluBQ - Feasibility Testing for a Bluetooth BBQ Grill Thermometer

I started working on a new project which is a Bluetooth Barbecue Thermometer. I intend to create an Android app that can talk to a an ATMEGA based device with a bluetooth radio and some sort of temperature sensing. Right now, I have it hooked up using an Arduino Pro Mini, a serial Bluetooth adapter, and a thermocouple using a MAX6675 chip to amplify the thermocouple and return temperatures. The Android app used was a simple Bluetooth serial test app I created last year when prototyping a Bluetooth Robotic Camera Mount meant for automatically shooting panoramas and timelapses with an SLR camera. At this point all the app does is show message popups with the values returned from the BT connection.



I have also been working on a Java based MIDI Sequencer which I can run on my Raspberry Pi. I think I will call it JAMS for JAva Midi Sequencer.I want it to be able to run headless on the pi, using multiple midi controllers. Currently I am thinking that I might use the keyboard for midi note/musical input, the Baxboard for the sequencer controls, and the Arduino Synthesizer as the output, but I want this stuff to be interchangeable. I have tested it using each of these things, but I haven’t programmed it to allow for midi input control of the sequencer, just command prompt controls. I will probably also work on a simple gui that I can use with something like this, a Raspberry Pi I2C touchscreen lcd.


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