This is a new demo video of the baxboard Midi Controller that I am working on.
This video details the new functionality I have been adding. I added a menu system to set some of the various options such as channel/voice, controller ids, and starting note. In addition I have added the ability to map the rows of buttons to a few scales, and the ability to save your settings.
After showing the new functions, I have a little demo of the board being used in Ableton Live.
I designed and laser cut the panel the components are mounted in at the Dallas Makerspace.
It is currently controlled by an Arduino Nano. At this point I am intending to develop an ATMEGA328 pcb so that it will be much thinner and not use so many wires.
I have been releasing my code on Github under GPLv2 if anyone is interested in contributing or creating their own. The svg used for the laser cut panel is there too.