Year: 2012
Latest Location
In Hot Springs, NC 273 miles in.
3/14/12 – Day 6 – Rocky Knob Campsite – 6.4mi/49.6tot
Today was miserable. If I could have sat down and just quit I would have. I pushed on anyway. I am camped about a mile short of the next shelter, just before a steep climb. I think I’ll take it easy tomorrow and stay there. I had a late start this morning as I got…
3/13/12 – Day 5 – Low Gap Shelter – 11.5mi/43.2tot
Did not take a zero day as I had thought. The cabins were great, but I chose to push on. I had thought I’d stay with Jason and Shiann, but they were leaving the cabins to stay at the hostel. I bought five days worth of food at Mountain Crossings Outfitter in Neel’s Gap to…
3/12/12 – Day 4 – Neels Gap – 7.4mi/31.7tot
Rain. All night and all day. I did not want to leave the tent. I didn’t even get up until maybe 9:30 and left about 10:30. I seem to be hiking better and am a bit faster going up, but down is still slow. The descents can be very steep and rough. Today it was…
3/11/12 – Day 3 – Lance Creek 8.5mi/24.3 tot
Long day. Got to camp about 6. Apparently I have no clue what time it is here at all. DST kicked in last night and we are apparently in Eastern Time, oops. I had been using my camera as a clock on occasion and thought I got to Woody Gap about 12:30 for lunch. Good…