Packing #1


Tonight I started to get my pack together for the trip. I have most everything I need, but I still want to get another stuff sack to use for food and bear bagging. Wednesday, I will have to again break it all down and double check that I have everything I need, and pack it up for the flight.

Basically I have:

  • pack – Kelty Red Cloud 5600, big, heavy, too big, and old but I don’t want a new one just yet.
  • sleeping pad – Thermarest Z-Lite foam pad, I do not like inflatable pads. I always thought they are way to difficult, heavy, and slow to use. They have been improving, but I am hesitant to change to one
  • sleeping bag – 32F mummy bag, fit is a little tight but it is light and packs small
  • tent – TarpTent Moment, awesome freestanding, weighs under 2lbs
  • 2 trekking poles
  • water bottles, and need to get a water bladder
  • aqua mira – for water treatment
  • blister stuff, ibuprofen, inhalor, camp soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, nail clippers, contact lens kit and spares, floss, chapstick
  • stove – Mini Trangia alcohol stove with pot and lid
  • lighter
  • Spoon or spork – undecided
  • pack towel
  • rope
  • compass
  • headlamp
  • cell phone, charger, and spare battery
  • camera, charger, spare battery and sd card
  • guide book – The AT Guide
  • notepad and pen
  • 2 shorts
  • 2 shirts
  • 3 underwear
  • 3 pairs of wool socks and liners
  • fancy dorky hat
  • beanie hat
  • gloves – undecided
  • fleece jacket, and light fleece vest for cold weather to start
  • long underwear
  • rain jacket
  • rain pants

I think that is all, but I am sure there is more that I am forgetting. I hope not much more.


I also went to the store to pick up food for the first five days. I will be taking it slow to start, hoping to do 7-8 miles a day. It is not much, but it is all mountain. I want to go up in miles as I go.

The first meals are pretty much oatmeal and pop tarts for breakfast, tuna fish crackers or peanut butter nutella tortillas for lunch, and ramen, potatoes, and fish or chicken packets for dinner. Hopefully I’ll find some more ideas along the way, but for now it is pretty simple. There will also be Cliff Bars and Trail Mix for snacks along the way.




