3/20/12 – Day 12 – Muskrat Creek Shelter – 7.3mi/81.4tot

State Line

Finally made it out of Georgia. Got to the state line about 11:30. Ate a couple Clif bars and talked to the rest of the guys from the shelter as they all caught up. Took some photos and moved on about 12:15.

The hike was good starting off, but once I hit NC there were two very steep climbs to start up. I just set an easy pace so I don’t out walk my lungs and keep on going with few breaks. Stopping and taking off a pack will really kill time and wear a person out.

Got to Muskrat Creek Shelter about 2:20. Not as nice as the GA ones, but a nice creek nearby for water. All water should be filtered or treated. I use Aqua Mira at about 7 drops of A & B per liter.

Cooked up a package of fish steak I found at the store near the tuna. It was decent and a nice change. It smelled better than it tasted. Then came more tuna and ramen.

Check out Stat’s Henessee Hammock. They are pretty sweet. I want to look into one later. He also let me try some of his Badger Bug Balm, a bug repellent. It seems to work when even DEET won’t.

Tomorrow night will probably be Beech Gap.

“Aint nothing easy when you’re 75” – The Hiking Viking




