Year: 2012

  • 3/10/12 – Day 2 – Gooch Mtn Shelter 7.7mi

    Couldn’t sleep much last night as expected. Woke up, ate oatmeal with trail mix and pop tarts. Tuna and crackers and nutella tortillas for lunch. Ramen with a pack of salmon, garlic and crackers for dinner, was pretty good. Tough day, ready for it to be over, but it kept on going. Sassaffras was steep…

  • 3/9/12 – Day 1 – 9.0mi Springer Mountain to Hawk Mountain Shelter 8.1 mi

    Started at the road near Springer Mountain. Hiked .9 mi back to Springer summit. Cool day in the 50s. Not as tough as Philmont yet, maybe in the next few days – Blood Mountain will be tough. Brought way too much food, I need to eat more to carry less. It’s supposed to be cold…

  • Dahlonega

    I just got in to Dahlonega and the weather is pretty nice right now. The people at the hostel are all laid back too. The place is a three story log cabin just up in the mountains a little. Lots of oak and pine trees. No snow, good thing I guess. I leave to start…

  • Bonham

    I went up to Bonham, TX the last couple days to visit with my dad and his wife Belinda before I leave town. It was a nice visit. I saw his animals. He has a large pig, of about 250lbs that he is planning to slaughter on Friday, and also a few turkeys. He had…

  • First Itinerary

    My initial itinerary has me doing the approach trail and getting in to Neel’s Gap for a resupply on day five. For most it is a four day hike if the approach trail is included, but I do not want a 15 mile day up and down Blood Mountain. There are also reports of bear…