Year: 2012
3/19/12 – Day 11 – Plumorchard Gap Shelter – 4.5mi/74.1tot
Left Hiawassee this morning. Ate left over cookies and pizza and talked to the other hikers around for a bit. Took the shuttle out a little after 11 back to Dick’s Creek Gap for a short day of hiking. The shuttle is an older van from probably the early 80s. It is very beat up…
3/18/12 – Day 10 – Hiawassee, GA – 3.6mi/69.6tot
Woke up at about 4:45am today. Had to get up early to make sure I didn’t miss the 9am shuttle in to town. Had a 3.9 mile hike, if you include the .3 hike from the shelter back to the trail. We used headlamps all the way as the sun was not up yet. It…
3/17/12 – Day 9 – Deep Gap Shelter – 7.4mi/66.0tot
Finally an easier day of hiking. Made great time, even catching up with Slim at Addis Gap. Kelly Knob was still super tough to go up, at 900ft of gain over about 1mi. Got in to the shelter about 2pm. A-Team, Jason, Shiann, Slim, and a group of Boy Scouts from Alabama are all here.…
3/16/12 – Day 8 – Tray Mtn Shelter – 2.0mi/58.6tot
Finally got an easy day, only 2 miles. Woke up late as usual about 10am and was instantly covered with biting gnats once again. Putting up wet gear from the storms and getting water while swatting bugs is very frustrating and demoralizing. Bug spray does not work in the least. I hiked on and found…
3/15/12 – Day 7 – Cheese Factory – 7.0mi/56.6tot
Another miserable day. Hot and tormented by biting gnats only interrupted by short downpours of rain, that only made it more humid. I stopped 2mi short of Tray Mountain shelter and pitched my tent in the middle of a thunder storm with lots of heavy rain and hail. I got in with hopes of sleeping…