Year: 2012

  • Roan Highlands

    The Roan Highlands in the Northern part of TN was one of the nicest sections so far. After a long 2700ft climb up to the top of Roan High Knob, the trail follows a ridgeline for many miles and goes over the top of several bald mountains. Roan High Knob Shelter is the highest shelter…

  • Damascas, VA

    I got in to Damascas, VA yesterday afternoon, and immediately sat down to a order a large calzone at Quinceys the local pizza place. Got a new backpack yesterday, a ULA Catalyst weighing several pounds less. I have lots of journal stuff to type up if I ever find a computer for it. 466 miles…

  • 3/22/12 – Day 14 – Big Spring Shelter – 10.0mi/100.7tot

    Good day today. Started out nice. Got up about 9 and was the last out of camp just before 10. Made it to Carter Gap Shelter 3.2mi away by 11:15, pretty quick. Afterwards the trail got progressively tougher. Mooney Gap started with a steep climb onto a ridge with a seemingly 100ft drop off the…

  • 3/21/12 – Day 13 – Beech Gap – 9.3mi/90.7tot

    Nice hiking day. Good weather, not too hot, but storms will probably be coming in the next couple of days. The trails weren’t bad except for a couple miles of rocks at the start. Those seem to be going by a little easier. Hiked up Standing Indian Mountain (5498ft), the first mountain over 5000ft so…

  • 3/20/12 – Day 12 – Muskrat Creek Shelter – 7.3mi/81.4tot

    Finally made it out of Georgia. Got to the state line about 11:30. Ate a couple Clif bars and talked to the rest of the guys from the shelter as they all caught up. Took some photos and moved on about 12:15. The hike was good starting off, but once I hit NC there were…