Friday Feb 24 was my last day of work. I worked at Gumby’s for a little over three years as the Store Manager. I had let them know I would be leaving some time before, but I was not sure what I wanted to do yet. I had thought about getting another job, but that kinda sucks. I want to do something else for awhile.
After some thought I decided I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Instead I will try and go hike on the Appalachian Trail for awhile, something I have always wanted to do. It wasn’t easy to decide this, but making plans has gone easily. I have geared up for the most part so far, bought a plane ticket to Atlanta, and booked a room at the Hiker Hostel. I have moved most of my stuff out to my parents house, and plan to toss or give away my furniture.

It is said most people take about six months to hike the entire trail. 9 in 10 people are expected to quit or be unable to finish. Knowing this I have no illusions as to the difficulty, boredom, and other ailments along the way. I am of course open to other things that come up, maybe an epic bike tour or something. I have most of the gear for that, and bike regularly. For bike touring, the gear is mostly the same. Some bike tools and different bags are needed, but otherwise the rest is pretty similar, a tent, sleeping bag, water bottles, etc.
But hey, at least I won’t have to go to work for awhile.