Year: 2013
RFID Interlock at DMS
Last December I joined the Dallas Makerspace. It is an awesome place where people are welcome to work on a variety of projects. The space also owns many tools that most people would not normally have access to; some of these require training. In order to enforce this, we have been working on an RFID…
White Rock Lake Panorama
Balmorhea Fish
The water at Balmorhea State Park is exceptionally clear and there are tons of fish swimming. When I stood still for a few seconds I would get surrounded by hundreds of small fish.
Highway 170 at Hoodoos
This was shot from just off of Highway 170 by Big Bend Ranch State Park. There is a parking lot with a couple short trails going to an overlook and then down to the Rio Grande. The site was called Hoodoos after the exposed rocks.
Big Bend Rainbow
We were lucky and caught a rainbow by the highway outside of Lajitas. This scenic highway runs through the southern portion of Big Bend Ranch State Park and is close to the Rio Grande.